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E.g., 18/06/2024
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We asked a trained American Sign Language student from the Malmö University to come and give a workshop in ASL.
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Text taken from the event:
Gymkhana ExchangeAbility with EADIB
During this time, you will have the chance to participate in the following workshops:
In this activit we have tried to make a difference and also we have used only left hand to understand how feel disabled people.
First of all, we have communicated with the president of the association we visited. We explained our intention to visit and realized the meeting.
Esn Samsun - Mime
The project is about physical impairment which is called "Mime" or Silent Theatre. One week ago, our members Merve & Bengisu who are theatre players prepared a drama for us.
GCU mappED logo!
Glasgow Caledonian University has been going through some major construction changes recently.
For the second activity of the ExchangeAbility Week, we decided to contribute to a project that is being practiced throughout Europe: MapAbility.
 Eyes-Shut Challenge
We are halfway through the ExchangeAbility Week and we are here with our Eyes-Shut Challenge!
