Goal of the event:
We wanted to make aware our erasmus about how blind people live. The aim was to make our erasmus understand how blind people live their daily life, like for example a simple dinner.
Short description of the event:
The Blind speed date started with the esn members that covered erasmus’ eyes with some bendages. We were in a bar and the event took place during the evening. We helped the erasmus to eat and to move during all the night. In the first part of the event the Erasmus ate and drank without seeing, later they had a blind speed date in order to meet and talk with some other people, always without seeing the person in front of them. Some of our Erasmus also paid without seeing. It was an event that involved all the six Esn sections of Milan, in order to engage as many people as we could.
How did your event go?:
The event went well, most of the Erasmus were happy and satisfied.