Aim of the event: 
  • Promote mobility
Goal of the event: 
Have an intercultural exchange experience between the members with disabilities of the Ángeles Urbanos association and the Erasmus and Esn’rs.
Present other countries to promote the mobility around people with disabilities
Short description of the event: 
We took 4 Erasmus to an association that takes care of people of all ages with mental disabilities. We were able to go to an afternoon activity were members of the association spend their leisure time learning and playing. The Erasmus prepared a power point presentation about their countries with pictures and videos to show to the participants. Kids were involved and asked tons of questions to the Erasmus about their lives in Spain and back home. We then had some time to play and talk with the kids. It was an intercultural exchange and a fun afternoon for the kids and for us.
How did your event go?: 
The participants and the Erasmus were really pleased on how the activity turned out.

Name of the partners: 
Ángeles Urbanos
Number of international students: 
Number of "locals" involved: 
Number of ESNers involved: 
Persons with disabilities joining the event: 
How did they contribute to your event?: 
The presentation was done in an association that works with persons with disabilities. The activity was made so they could experience other countries. They were really involved in the activity and made it really interesting.
Date of the event: 
Tue, 21/03/2017
Duration of the event: 