Aim of the event: 
  • Raise Awareness
Goal of the event: 
The goal of the event was to play some activities so that you could feel the difficulties that you can get to have even the most daily things and easy to do for yourself, but in an amusing way playing games, so it could raise awareness unconsciously.
Short description of the event: 
We played different activities related with 5 senses at the center of the University's square (Games explained below):

We did groups of 3/4 people aprox. and they had to play different games at the university:

1- Pictionary. There's two groups, and the leader of each group had to draw with the left hand (if they are right-handed) what the coordinator told them, so the rest of the group had to guess what was the drawing in 30 seconds.

2- Silent movie. Two people of every group had to do an action/movie/scene and the others had to guess what they were doing.

3 - What is it?. The group is blindfolded and the coordinator passes them some objects of the dairy life(teddies, toys..) and they had to guess what it was.

4- The submarine. The two groups had to be blindfolded and PODRÍA SER LA PRIMERA Se hacen grupos de 6. Todos los jugadores cogidos por los hombros y con los ojos tapados, excepto el último, que es el capitán y dirige el submarino. Se crea un código:
Un toque en el hombro derecho: ir hacia la derecha.
Un golpe en el hombro izquierdo: ir hacia la izquierda.
Tirar de los dos hombros hacia atrás: frenar.
Dos toques en los dos hombros: hace que el primer miembro del submarino se desenganche y camine en línea recta como un torpedo.
El objetivo del capitán es que este torpedo toque otro submarino: si lo consigue, el equipo suma 1 punto. Cuando un torpedo es disparado, deja de jugar, y cuando un submarino deja de tener torpedos, también deja de jugar. Gana el equipo que hace más puntos.

How did your event go?: 
I think the games were correct but unluckily the previous day was holidays so there was a party at night. As the event was done at friday morning maybe there weren't too many people at the university. So, I think it would be better if we make the activities with a EA part, not everything, because I think it will call more the attention of the Erasmus.
Number of international students: 
Number of "locals" involved: 
Number of ESNers involved: 
Persons with disabilities joining the event: 
Gymkana de Sentidos
Date of the event: 
Fri, 13/10/2017
Duration of the event: 