Aim of the event: 
  • Promote mobility
  • Raise Awareness
Goal of the event: 
Playing sitting volleyball we tried to make students to understand how difficult but also succesfull is to play sitted.
we tried to make them feel how is to be a person with disability and cannot move or play standed.
Short description of the event: 
There were 20 erasmus students we read the rules of the game and we figured out the court dimensions. First of all i spoke about the project and said what project talks about, also I said about our goals for all this week and how can anyone help us. It was the first common action of 2 sections of Crete(ESN UOC&TUC). we were all together and played with passion and surprise. The students were enthusiastic and they said that is difficult to play when you cannot stand up your bottom of the ground. It was an amazing action and we felt how is to be a person with disability.
How did your event go?: 
Excellent. Better as we were waiting for.
Name of the partners: 
Number of international students: 
Number of "locals" involved: 
Number of ESNers involved: 
Persons with disabilities joining the event: 
Paralympic Game by ESNτσηCreteς.
Date of the event: 
Wed, 22/03/2017
Duration of the event: 