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E.g., 27/10/2024
Fika in the dark
Fika with blindfolds, that's it, why 100 words?
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Tandem night EAW edition - blind tandem
In occasion of the Exchange Ability Week, we added a fun game to our regular appointment at Tandem Night.
Challenge your senses facebook event cover
We had 10 boxes with some things inside (f.e. rice, bubble foil, fragnance, leaves).
Esn Bergamo suggests you a last meeting of the Olympics GamESN but this time we want to put ourselves into play with the participation of a special football team: a sporting tournament with the footba
ESN Bergamo is proud to introduce you to a overwhelming physical event in order to highlight the importance of the eyes, the feel and the hearing, to mentally experience emotions, feelings and energie
ESN Semmelweis teambuilding group
20th of March 2017 Budapest, President’s flat.
We simply started from the main door of our president’s flat. There were never the section members ever.
ESN y Granadown
We arranged a meeting with Granadown, the association for Down Syndrome that is currently working in Granada.
sign language, workshop, esn-eye
The event began at 6 pm. We met together in a classroom with our friend from Medical University of Lodz.
Cover of the event
Pub Quiz is a usual program in our section but it was a very special event, the first time ever when we organized it in silence, with name of Silent Pub Quiz.
Sign Language Group with th teacher
Have you ever heard about a SIGN LANGUAGE? A sign language is a language which chiefly uses manual communication to convey meaning, as opposed to acoustically conveyed sound patterns.
