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E.g., 07/06/2024
ExchangeAbility Tandem Language Meeting
We organised this ExchangeAbility Tandem Language Meeting to show everyone how people with disabilities struggle with everyday activities, how to help them and make their lives easier.
Some of the attendees at the FONCE seminar with ESN Barcelona UB
This seminar was developed in collaboration with Fundation ONCE and the International Relations Office from Unviersitat de Barcelona. The main topics included were: 1.
FONCE seminar UEx
The design of this awareness-raising seminar is based on a participatory methodology and has been developed in collaboration with Fundation ONCE and COCEMFE (Spanish Confederation of People with Physi
Guy in the ESN hoodie starting to sign a word
Every ESNer on the NP got the chance to participate in the activity and to cooperate with a member from our buddy section. They chose their line of the song and then they were taught to sign it.
Coffee meeting
It was a thematic meeting in which people with and without disabilities gathered together. We went to a restaurant which was accessible.
ESN Zadar: Discussion and Game of Roles-Play
The first part consisted of an official ExchangeAbility presentation, explaining the key terms like what is EA project and why do we engage in these activities.
We have gone to see ASPACE users playing boccia. They are people with cerebral palsy.
sign language music video
Our ExchangeAbility event took place in Zadar and lasted almost a week.
ExchangeAbility: ESN Metropolia Blind Speed Dating
"Blind speed dating is a concept where we give space to the conversation itself! Stripping away physical prejudice might be an enlightening experience.
Blind dinner
Imagine your life without the sense of sight..
Impossible, right? But what about just one night, one unusual experience - dinner in the dark.
