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E.g., 14/06/2024
NUPS Mapping
On the first ExchangeAbility Week ever, we wanted to map the universities of Budapest.
Movie Night by ESN Ioannina
We gathered in the dorm's kitchen, wich we transformed in a cinema room, to watch the movie "The theory of everything", the biograhy of Stephen Hawking.
Girl holding a sign that says: No one is you and that is your power!
ESN Zagreb did online promotion of ExchangeAbility project. People were supposed to take a selfie with a sign that says: Education has no limits! Mobility is for everyone!
Lecture about Erasmus+ Program
Lecture was divided in two parts. First one was focused on general information about mobility, ESN, ExchangeAbility and Erasmus+ Program.
Eating with the blindfolds
Most participants found about the event 5 minutes earlier. They had a short introduction where it was explained to them what is going to happen and what we planned to achieve with that activity.
This is the art that was created by melting plastic and putting it on some sort of shapes. In this occasion it is church.
As we start, our guest, in short, described what was a life as visually impaired person in the Soviet Union, how he struggled to get quality product whom he would be able to use.
ESNAnadolu Dinner In The Dark
We had our Erasmus students, ESNers and local board members joining us on this event. The place that was agreed to make this event happen organized the tables in a square form.
1st advent competition
1 advent cozy afternoon with gingerbread house decorating competition. Since ExchangeAbility week was starting the day after, we added an ExchangeAbility twist to the competition.
Fika in the dark
People showed up and we gave them blindfolds that they had to put on before we led them into a dark room where they were seated, in front of them they had a plate full of fika and a glas of juice.
Esn Samsun - Movie Night
The movie that we saw Forrest Gump. He is a simple man with mental disabilities but good intentions. He is running through childhood with his best and only friend Jenny.
