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E.g., 17/02/2025
ExchangeAbility logo
The Special Olymics Winter Games 2017 were hosted in Austria, one of the locations being Graz.
ExchangeAbility Week 2017! Paralympic Games @PANTEION GYM
The event consisted of two paralympic games, the goalball and the sitting volleyball. First, we started playing goalball.
Ciempiés meeting
We talked with Ciempies, is a group of friends with disabilities that meet every Tuesday to have fun together, to join them one day and they were very happy about the idea because they wanted to know
Basketball for everybody
We played a basketball game with people with disabilities through an association, most of the disability persons had mental problems but there were also some of them with physical ones.
Tandem EA
Every Monday we do language exchange, and because it was ExchangeAbility week, we decided to do it on that, presented the project to everyone and left some issues to discuss about disabilities.
Blind dinner
We met in our usual meeting point, a famous square and there we covered them their eyes.
Dinner in the Dark banner
Exchange students "lost their sense of vision" at the entrance to our restaurant. Board and active members of ESN Jyväskylä were guiding them to their place and throughout the dinner.
We went to Turkcell Dialogue Museum in Istanbul, to join a session called the dialogue in the silence. In this session, we tried to experience life in silence.
Diversity session
A private school organized an open day with same diversity seasson. In that day, the school gave us the opportunity to have a stand with the information of our project.
International students trying to play basketball in a wheelchair
It happened during a short week-end in Britanny with international students from all the local sections.
