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E.g., 17/02/2025
Private Education Instutition Visit
We wanted to raise awareness and share a nice time together with disabled persons. We aimed to reach people that will try understand disabled persons and make a difference.
We had some stickers that included some short texts about disabled people. We aimed to raise awareness for disabled people in the environment.
 Brochure Distribution Event
We distribute some brochures about our events that we would do at the exchange ability week. The brochures have an activity calendar. The calendar has event places, hours and days.
Esn SAMSUN - Table Tennis Without Hands
We, as ESN Samsun decided to make an event about the disabled people who are active in sport activities. We could make empathy with them and understand the difficulties they deal with.
Esn SAMSUN - Lip Reading
Lip reading, also known as speechreading, is a technique of understanding speech by visually interpreting the movements of the lips, face and tongue when normal sound is not available.
We tried to picture our dreams without using our hands in this activitiy. We understand how people without hands can paint. This was the purpose of our activity.
Fırst of all we made an arrangment with the place where we are gonna conduct the activity to get a permission. After that we went to school to conduct our activity.
First of all we get a permission from Zicev to do our activity. And we went to Zicev and had a meeting with school director to know which classes we are able to see.
So, are you ready to learn your first SIGNS ? Maybe you will have the chance to learn with the help of deaf people! JOIN US and
Our special week , the ExchangeAbility Week begun on Tuesday 21/3 with our Visit to K.E.L.N.O, the Sign Language Center.
Down Cafe in Mersin
We had a point of meeting day before. We went to the Down cafe with our members. No one understand what is going on and what are we doing at the beginning.
