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E.g., 03/06/2024
This photo has the EA logo and the details about the event: date, place and time
ESN Coimbra gave the opportunity to international students to learn how people with visual impairment overcome daily challenges and how they can be more inclusive people in the society.
Mapping bulidings at our campus
So the section wanted to organise some events for the ExchangeAbility week, therefore, the ESNers went to map the buildings around the campus.
This picture has the logo of EA and the details about the event: date, place and time
ESN Coimbra organised a regular dinner for international students that included an EA activity:
White Cane Day in Kaunas
At 15th of October is International white cane day so 3 sections of Kaunas decided to cooperate and make event “white cane day” to show support to people who are disabled and in need to use white cane
ESN and Kauno Viltis
our section with other ESN sections and Students visit "Kauno Viltis".
MappED Hunt
We met all together in a central road of the capital city. We gave to the students, check lists that we had created before and explained to them what they had to do.
Sign Language Cafe
Tandem, is a weekly event that our section, ESN Nicosia, is doing. In this event, each student has the chance to learn or practice different languages.
Whispering Challenge
In the event we included two games, Speed Friend-ing and Whispering Challenge. For the first game, the students had to have their eyes closed with a handkerchief.
Movie Night by ESN Nicosia - "Forrest Gump"
We started the event by screening the movie "Forrest Gump" which is about a guy who deals with a disability... He always had to deal with doubt and social obstacles.
We organized a blind dinner within our weekly appointment with Erasmus aperitif, in which Erasmus, esners and local students had to deal with a completely unknown menu and had to guess, while eating b
