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E.g., 18/02/2025
It was the last activity duriung the ExchangeAbility Week
The event took place in a small  Spanish restaurant. Participants were able to have the experience of eating in total darkness.
The event took place in a small Spanish restaurant. Participants were blindfolded at the entrance and ESN members walked them to their tables.
Language Cafe Vol. II with ESN Hasselt
ESN Hasselt organized second timethe Language Cafe event during the spring ExchangeAbility Week in 2017.
Workshop sign language. The ¨Unitad per a la Integració de Persones amb discapacitat¨ will come to teach us how to communicate i
The activity took place in the Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte y la Facultad de Actividad Fisica at the University of Valencia.
● From 10:00h. to 12:30h.: Opening act + inaugural conference ¨Mobility inclusive¨, in which the foundation ONCE will tell us ab
The conference given by Foundation ONCE formed a part of the agenda of the I Jornadas of Mobility and inclusive Sport of the UV. We rely on Esther Bueno as referee.
Today it starts in all the ESN network the week of the ExchangeAbility project (, and
ESN en UV and ESN Valencia UPV organised together a super EA event during a full day, with more of 8 hours of training for ESNrs, students with disabilities, athletes and other members of the universi
Mapping the School of Education by ESN Castelo Branco
The activity consisted of mapping the Superior School of Education, the third school of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco that is now mapped in order to find how accessible this school is fo
Dinner in the Dark by ESN Évora
The participants had the oportunity to experience a “Dinner in the dark”! where they were blindfolded while having dinner, making this dinner a real challenge for the senses.
Drawing Challenge Exchange Ability with ESN Bari
Hi guys!
This is the EXCHANGE ABILITY week: it means we are trying to be more sensitive about students with disabilities!
ESN Antwerp Blindfolded Karaoke
Karaoke is simple, you chose a song and then try your best to sing along by reading the lyrics projected on screen.
